Soccerschool - technique training

Technique Training sessions WTP Professional: U10 - U13

How we work

Teaching the techniques of soccer is done in several steps. In order to ensure a qualitative, technical soccer training it is therefore crucial our young players go through these phases chronologically and under the right support. That is way our soccer school created the WTP Professional training system.

Each year we offer two courses of 12 soccer training sessions, each lasting one hour. Big difference with the WTP Junior is that at the WTP Professional we do not operate on the level of the players but per cycle. This system is similar to the regular school system as all participants will start in cycle one and are only allowed to proceed to the next cycle if they master the techniques of the previous soccer cycle. All players must, therefore, participate the last two training sessions in an examination to determine whether they meet the technical requirements to proceed.

We have been using this system since 2008 and can therefore guarantee that this soccer training bears fruit. Do you want your son / daughter to get more confident, can bring more peace in his / her game and therefore finds more fun in playing soccer? Do not hesitate any longer to subscribe.

Take a look at our WTP Professional venues and registration fees.

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